Angel Oak, Charleston 2013



Published: Graphis Photography Annual 2014

The Angel Oak is a Live Oak Tree that is the oldest thing east of the Rockies aged approximately 1,500 years. Towering over 65 feet high, the Angel Oak has shaded John’s Island, South Carolina, for over 1400 years, and would have sprouted 1000 years before Columbus’ arrival in the New World. Recorded history traces the ownership of the live oak and surrounding land, back to the year 1717 when Abraham Waight received it as part of a small land grant. The tree stayed in the Waight family for four generations, and was part of a Marriage Settlement to Justus Angel and Martha Waight Tucker Angel.  Today the live oak has a diameter of spread reaching 160 feet, a circumference of nearly 25 feet, and covers 17,100 square feet of ground

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When I was a child I would climb trees just to lay up above the branches. I would let my imagination go places while watching the clouds go by. Those memories are stored in the same place my passions live.  My passion for the world around me stems from my childhood memories of adventure and imagination. Don’t let your inner child die! It’s sad on the other side!




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