Ecological Scenes Highlight Animal Photography Prints by Atlanta’s Douglas Stratton Studio

Ecological scenes highlight animal photography prints by Atlanta’s Douglas Stratton Studios
Birds do it. Bees do it.
All animals do it – they help us save the environment.
Bees pollinate plants all around us — an estimated 30 percent of all the food we eat! Birds are great at dispersing seeds and eating bugs.
Zebras eat rough vegetation with relatively low nutritional value, which in turn increases the quality of plant life for other animals. Wildebeests and gazelles, for example, follow migrating zebras to graze on the new shoots that grow in their wake.
See these creatures and many, many others captured in stunning animal photography prints by Atlanta’s Douglas Stratton, a fine art photographer. Stratton’s travels take him from jungles and deserts to rainforests, grasslands and more as he searches for intriguing scenes and beautiful compositions that let you sense the ambience of the place itself.
His work is available at his Atlanta studio. He invites people to let him give them a personal tour of his many animal photography prints. They are graceful and stylish premium limited editions.
Animal Photography Prints Atlanta, by Douglas Stratton Photography Studios
Stratton’s photography is built around his appreciation for how animals help us save the environment. He understands the eco-system and the interplay among various species.
Giraffes prune vegetation and keep the habitat accessible for other wildlife. Rhinos help grass grow, thus feeding other animals. They eat trees and branches, allowing the sun to reach the ground and encourage grass to grow. At the other end of the animal kingdom, squirrels do their part, affecting plant composition thanks to their love of seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
Savor the role of animals large and small as they help us save the environment. You will be mesmerized by the animal photography prints in Atlanta, at the studio of Douglas Stratton.
Email: [email protected]
Cell 609-675-8498
Enjoy animal prints photography Atlanta GA
Stratton has been studying animals ever since he grew up in a rural beach town, where he began to realize how they help us save the environment – and vice versa.
Stratton’s approach encompasses more than technical skills and a “good eye.” Many shots take patience and determination, waiting hours in unpleasant weather for the right setting for an animal. Stratton has a knack for eye-catching animal prints.
You can see his respect for nature in his animal photography prints and ask him to discuss how he found his way to various shots.
He produces Premium Limited Edition Fine Art Nature Photography Prints by using the most advanced processes and the highest quality materials available. Investing in one of these pieces will add elegance and nature to your office or home.
Email: [email protected]
Cell 609-675-8498